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Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

NCCEFT is a membership-based organization committed to serving EFT-focused clinicians and clients in Northern California. As an organization, we value the inclusion of all people and their lived experiences. We want all of our members and visitors to feel welcomed, heard, and valued.

NCCEFT is committed to creating a safe and supportive environment where all people feel a sense of belonging regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identification, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, religious affiliation, or socioeconomic status. In light of the events in 2020 that starkly exposed systemic racism and white supremacist culture in our country, cities, institutions, and organizations, we see clearly that we have some work to do to live up to our mission and values. We understand that battling systemic racism in NCCEFT requires continual learning and action.

We are committed to BIPOC therapists feeling and being more supported and sustained over the long term at all levels of NCCEFT. This includes positions of leadership, such as presenters, supervisors, and trainers. 

Our statement on diversity is only as meaningful as the actions we take that embody what we say. We will continue to share the actions we take through ongoing updates in the lists below.

Here’s what we’ve done:

  • July 2020 incoming board of directors prioritized focus of anti-racist education and action for 2020-2021 term
  • Expanded fundraising efforts increasing membership dues by $10 annually to go directly toward anti-racist efforts
  • Asked all trainers and presenters invited to present at NCCEFT programmed events to apply a  social justice or DEI approach as part of their offered training
  • Scholarship Committee reviewed NCCEFT scholarship process and program with a focus on DEI
  • Board vetted and hired a DEI consultant team that ended the contract with NCCEFT very early in the process. Through our DEI consultant hiring process, it was recommended to establish a more internal infrastructure to hold and move the DEI work. The Board is establishing a DEI steering committee. 

Here’s what we’re doing:

  • Committing to programming next term that increases awareness of diversity, inclusion, and social justice within the therapy context. We are committing to programming that increases cultural awareness, knowledge, humility, and self-of-therapist growth. 
  • Creating a DEI steering committee and potentially adding a DEI coordinator position(s) to the board. 

Here’s what’s to come:

  • Expand scholarship to potentially include a fully-funded scholarship. Institute annual assessment to determine whether NCCEFT met fundraising goals to increase scholarship. 
  • DEI-centered clinical training for all training for 2021-2022 year
  • Create partnerships with other organizations and agencies to offer scholarships and expand BIPOC membership. 
  • Expand fundraising efforts by increasing membership fees, improving donation programs, and growing fundraisers to put towards DEI efforts. 
  • Develop a program to offer EFT supervision specific to the needs of BIPOC therapists and clients. 
  • Improve our demographic data collection and data analysis to improve recruitment and retention
  • Commit to active recruitment for membership of underrepresented portions of our community
  • Active recruitment of Board members that reflect the diversity of our membership
  • Develop a Grievance and Resolution Process